Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Info on Vulnerabilities

~Finding more Information~
After you or your tools find suspected vulnerabilities, there are various wireless security vulnerability resources you can utilise to help find out more information on the issues you find. A good place to start is your wireless vendor’s Web site. Look in the Support or Knowledge base section of the Web site for known problems and available security patches. You can also peruse the following vulnerability databases for in-depth details on random vulnerabilities, how they can be exploited, and possible fixes:

1 US-CERT Vulnerability Notes Database
2 NIST ICAT Metabase
3 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

Another good way to get more information on specific security issues is to do a Google groups search. Here you can often find other message boards, and newsgroups where randoms like myself have posted problems an/or solutions about your particular issue\problem.